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Chapel Hill Tire History

A Ride Through Time: Cars from the 1950’s through the 2000’s

In 1954, post-war America was roaring into the boom years. More families than ever before were able to afford family cars. It was a bold decade filled with bold vehicles, chrome-decorated luxury machines that reflected all the optimism and progress of the ‘50s. Suddenly, everything was shiny! More cars meant more need for quality, trustworthy, affordable car …

Spot Bad Brakes

How to Spot Bad Brakes

Here’s a driving nightmare: You’re in stop-and-go traffic on the interstate, and suddenly, you’re less stop and more go. You rear-end the car in front of you, causing irritating bumper damage to both of you and, embarrassingly, a pile-up on the highway that has passing motorists behind you scowling and honking. A lot. What happened? …

Tire mechanic at work

When to Change Your Tires

Chapel Hill Tire is a full-service car care center with 7 Triangle-area locations including Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Durham, and Carrboro, but — it’s all in the name! — we also specialize in tires. We want every driver on the road to travel safely, and that means having fully-inflated, balanced tires that grip the road, keep traction …

Green Roof

Blue, Yellow and Green All Over: Chapel Hill Tire’s Commitment to Sustainability

Have you ever noticed that the roof Chapel Hill Tire’s Woodcroft service center is green? No, we’re not talking about paint. We mean the other kind of green — the kind that accompanies a space filled with abundant flora. The automotive industry often has a negative impact on the environment, but Chapel Hill Tire works to offset …