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Road Hazard Tire Protection: Why It Matters

If you have ever bought a new set of tires, you likely know the timid feeling of driving away from the tire shop. Many drivers start to fear every road crack, dip, and pothole, often afraid of compromising their new tire investment. However, even the most careful drivers are susceptible to hazards on the road. Chapel Hill Tire invented Road Hazard Tire Protection so that drivers can enjoy their new tires without the fear of damage.  So what is Road Hazard Tire Protection? The experts at Chapel Hill Tire are here with insights. 

A Guide to Road Hazard Tire Protection

While many tires offer limited warranties to make sure that you do not get a “lemon” tire, this coverage often expires quickly and does not extend to most tire situations. Our professionals saw drivers carrying the burden of costly tire damage, so we invented Road Hazard Tire Protection. 

Road Hazard Tire Protection is the in-house coverage plan from Chapel Hill Tire. Our coverage is available for all new tires purchased from any of our local tire shops. Road Hazard Tire Protection is unlike any built-in tire warranty. This plan extends comprehensive potential savings by offering both tire replacement and free tire services. Road Hazard Tire Protection features:

  • Up to $399.99 in tire replacement—included for 3 years or 2/32″ tread depth remaining.
  • Free balancing for the life of your tires.
  • Free flat repairs for the life of your tires
  • Tire inflation complimentary for the life of your tires. 

Here is a closer look at each of these benefits and how much they can save you money long-term.

Free Repair or Replacement

Whether your tire is damaged or defective, a Road Hazard Tire Protection Plan will have you covered for 3-years or 2/32″ tread depth remaining—whichever comes first. This protection includes replacements up to $399.99. Instead of fearing for your tires over every pothole, you can enjoy the peace of mind that your tires (and your wallet) are protected.

Complimentary Flat Repairs

Do you have a nail in your tire? Flat tire repair services can often run you $25+. Nails getting stuck inside tires are just as common as they are frustrating. Thankfully, eligible flat repair and tire patches are free under the Road Hazard Tire Protection. Like most benefits, complimentary flat repair extends beyond the first 3-years/2/32″ tread depth. In fact, you can enjoy this service for the lifespan of your tires. 

Free Tire Balancing

Tire imbalance can create an uncomfortable drive as you face wheel shaking at higher speeds. Not only is this inconvenient, but it can also put your tires and your vehicle at risk. When your tires fall out of balance, road-force balancing services are necessary for resolving these troubles. Under Road Hazard Tire Protection, your tire balancing services are covered for the lifespan of your tires. 

Free Tire Inflation Services

Properly inflated tires save you money every time you drive your vehicle. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, under-inflated tires can reduce your fuel economy by up to 3%. This is why drivers need to frequently check each tire’s pressure and refill to the correct PSI. 

Unless you have an air compressor of your own, a public tire inflation station will also cost you a few dollars every couple of months. While each refill is not too expensive, this can add up over the course of several years. Thankfully, Road Hazard Tire Protection saves you the time, money, and trouble of tire refills. Our experts will make sure that you are covered with free tire inflation services for the lifespan of your tires.  

How Much Does Tire Protection Cost?

Your Road Hazard Tire Protection Plan pricing is based on the cost of the tires you choose to buy. More expensive tires are more costly to service, making the price of the protection slightly higher. However, Road Hazard Tire Protection is available for as little as $15 per tire. 

You can view your Road Hazard Tire Protection costs by using the online Tire Finder. This no-obligation tool gives you the out-the-door price on your tires (including or excluding the costs of available protection) without requiring you to enter in any of your information. Read our full guide to the Tire Finder tool here

Chapel Hill Tire Protection

You can find your next set of tires—and tire protection—at any of our 9 Chapel Hill Tire locations. We are conveniently located in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Apex, and Carrboro. You can contact our tire professionals with any questions you may have, or make an appointment to see our experts today!

About the Author

Marc Pons

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